About Jonathan

Jonathan has lived in Roseville for nearly two decades with his wife and kids. His kids’ ages range from 0 to 20 years old with his fourth born August 2024. All have attended, or will attend, Roseville City schools. Jonathan currently serves on the Roseville City School District Board of Trustees.

Jonathan has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, became a Certified Public Accountant while working as a financial auditor, and currently is a finance manager for a large healthcare company. He plans on continuing to apply his 20+ years of business experience to the school district.

For years, Jonathan’s advocacy helped Roseville and Placer County schools lead in California. Not only did this improve outcomes for students, but it also helped cement Roseville and Placer County as a desirable place to live and raise a family.

Jonathan’s passion for improving public education also led him to form an education non-profit which advocates for student-first policies. He continues to be on the front lines for the rest of California’s nearly six million K-12 students.

As a school board member, Jonathan will continue to improve education and partner with the community at every opportunity.

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